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首页新闻中心 巴陵石化相关新闻  
4 巴陵石化公司为岳阳财政收入过200亿元做贡献 Baling Petrochemical Company for the the Yueyang financial income of over 20 2012/11/26 9:17:46
4 巴陵石化热塑橡胶SEBS专利获湖南省专利奖 Baling Petrochemical thermoplastic rubber SEBS patents patent award of Hunan P 2012/11/16 16:58:09
4 巴陵石化橡胶部:SIS新装置异戊二烯塔系一次开车成功 Baling Petrochemical rubber Department: SIS isoprene tower is a new devic 2012/11/16 16:56:34
4 巴陵分公司己内酰***部:24万吨硫酸扩能改造项目进展顺利 Baling Branch of caprolactam Department: 240000 tons sulfuric acid revam 2012/11/16 16:54:31
4 岳阳石化树脂部:3万吨/年液体环氧树脂装置通过公司生产准备验收 Yueyang Petrochemical Resin: 30000 tons / year of liquid epoxy resin 2012/11/16 16:53:07
4 巴陵石化公司橡胶部年产6万吨特种锂系聚合物项目全部建成投产 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co rubber Department with an annual ou 2012/11/16 16:52:03
4 巴陵石化橡胶部强化党建工作保稳定促发展 2012/11/8 10:00:43
4 巴陵石化己内酰***新产能产品推介会在岳阳召开 2012/11/8 9:44:08
4 巴陵石化的医用SEBS和SIS的加氢产品SEP、SEPS,填补了国内空白 Baling Petrochemical medical SEBS and SIS hydrogenation product 2012/10/19 16:49:08
4 巴陵石化橡胶部年产6万吨特种锂系聚合物项目全部建成投产 Baling Petrochemical rubber portion of an annual output of 60,000 tons 2012/10/19 16:48:07
4 巴陵石化橡胶部开展“责任•担当”主题大讨论活动 Baling Petrochemical Rubber Division to carry out the the responsibility • p 2012/10/19 16:45:53
4 岳阳石化树脂部:落实措施 迎难而上抓好四季度工作 Yueyang petrochemical resin part: the implementation of measures rose to 2012/10/12 16:25:29
4 巴陵分公司己内酰***部:运用计算机仿真培训收到实效 Baling Branch the caprolactam Ministry: the use of computer simulation tra 2012/10/12 16:24:27
4 巴陵石化橡胶部SIS造粒新产品正式出口海外市场 Baling Petrochemical rubber SIS the granulation new products officially exp 2012/10/12 16:23:31
4 巴陵公司明确“两节”安全工作八项重点 Baling Company clear " two " security eight key 2012/10/8 14:43:35
4 巴陵石化公司橡胶部年产6万吨特种锂系聚合物项目全部建成投产 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co rubber Department with an annual o 2012/10/8 14:41:23
4 巴陵分公司己内酰***部:抓好六项工作确保全年效益目标 Baling Branch of caprolactam: grabbed six jobs to ensure annual benefit g 2012/10/8 14:39:24
4 巴陵石化多管齐下消除厂区异味 Baling Petrochemical multi-pronged plant odor elimination 2012/10/8 14:36:53
4 巴陵分公司己内酰***部:精细化成本目标管理挖潜增效 Baling Branch of caprolactam: fine cost target management to dig go synergi 2012/10/8 14:34:44
4 最长国庆假期巴陵石化公司安全稳产逾12万吨 The long National Day holiday baling Petrochemical Industries Co security stab 2012/10/8 14:25:40
4 巴陵石化总经理鼓励橡胶事业部争当公司发展创效排头兵 Baling Petrochemical encourage Rubber Division general manager striving t 2012/9/27 16:58:57
4 湖南卫视来巴陵石化橡胶部采访 Baling Petrochemical rubber Hunan TV interview 2012/9/27 16:58:11
4 巴陵热塑橡胶规模亚洲第一全球第二 Baling thermoplastic rubber scale first in Asia and the world's second 2012/9/27 16:57:11
4 巴陵石化橡胶事业部SIS车间专家为职工答疑解惑 Baling Petrochemical Rubber Division SIS workshop experts answering questio 2012/9/27 16:56:10
4 巴陵石化分公司己内酰***产量逾15万吨 Baling Petrochemical Company caprolactam production of more than 15 million tons 2012/9/27 16:46:15
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