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巴陵石化橡胶部:SIS新装置异戊二烯塔系一次开车成功 Baling Petrochemical rubber Department: SIS isoprene tower is a new devic

Baling Petrochemical rubber Department: SIS isoprene tower is a new device drive successful
Synthetic rubber business department with an annual output of 60000 tons of a special type of lithium polymer of isoprene tower is a driving device for success. In formal before driving, the cause of the SIS car driving between convened staff to conduct a comprehensive safety explanation, clear explanation to drive the process involved in safety precautions, security measures and the possible accident and rescue methods. In the driving process, workshop fulfil in the round " instruction, there are rules, confirm, monitoring " and " four" working requirement, do plan implementation, instructions, step by step confirmation, from time to time records, ensure the driving process in a controlled state.
来源:      时间:2012/11/16 16:56:34
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