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巴陵石化公司橡胶部年产6万吨特种锂系聚合物项目全部建成投产 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co rubber Department with an annual o


Baling Petrochemical Industries Co rubber Department with an annual output of 60000 tons of special lithium polymer all projects completed and put into production

Baling Petrochemical synthetic rubber division with an annual output of 60000 tons of a special type of lithium polymer project SEBS new device to realize all drive successful, this marks the Baling Petrochemical synthetic rubber division with independent intellectual property rights, the largest scale with an annual output of 60000 tons of special lithium polymer project has all achieve production device. To build an annual output of 40000 tons of SIS device and an annual output of 20000 tons of SEBS device and supporting engineering. All projects put into operation, Baling Petrochemical synthetic rubber division of lithium polymer year total output will achieve 280000 tons, special product ratio to more than 50%.

来源:      时间:2012/10/8 14:41:23
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