巴陵石化多管齐下消除厂区异味 岳阳市委书记到公司调研时,希望巴陵公司在岳阳市绿色化工产业园建设中发挥先导示范作用,大力建设无异味企业。巴陵公司领导也郑重表示,作为高度负责任的石化驻岳企业之一,巴陵公司将在近年来加大投入、狠抓治理的基础上,进一步高标准、严要求抓好安全环保工作,在推进清洁生产中强力开展争创“无异味厂区”活动。
Baling Petrochemical multi-pronged plant odor elimination
Yueyang municipal Party committee secretary to the company research, hope Baling Company in Yueyang City, green chemical industry park construction play a leading role model to promote the construction of enterprise, without peculiar smell. Baling company leaders also vowed that, as a highly responsible petrifaction in Yue enterprises, Baling Company in recent years to increase investment, pay close attention to management on the basis of further, high standard, strict requirement catchs good safety and environmental protection work in promoting clean production, strongly develop striving for " no smell factory ". |