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4 橡胶事业部开稳开好小试装置畅通技术创新 Rubber business without stability good pilot device open technology innovation 2013/3/25 9:49:38
4 新出笼的SEPS更纯白更稳定 The introduction of new SEPS more pure and more stable 2013/3/25 9:48:50
4 巴陵石化SEBS橡胶出口欧盟市场 Baling Petrochemical SEBS rubber exports to the EU market 2013/3/12 10:37:06
4 巴陵石化环氧树脂事业部落实措施应对雷雨季节 Epoxy Resin Division of Baling Petrochemical implementation of measures to dea 2013/3/12 10:36:00
4 巴陵公司近五年出口年均增幅超60% Baling exports in the past five years, the average annual increase of over 60% 2013/3/12 10:35:02
4 巴陵石化环氧树脂事业部利用生产“空档”忙检修 Epoxy Resin Division of Baling Petrochemical production "neutral" busy overha 2013/3/12 10:33:46
4 巴陵石化公司获评湖南省“百优女职工集体” Baling Petrochemical Company was rated Hunan Province "Prozac female workers co 2013/3/12 10:32:40
4 巴陵牌SBS托起“中国第一路” Baling brand the SBS hold up "China Road" 2013/3/12 10:31:34
4 巴陵石化公司一项目获岳阳市科学技术奖 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co of a project by the Yueyang Municipal Science 2013/2/25 16:48:17
4 巴陵石化公司蛇年春节假期生产经营报平安 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co snake spring festival holiday production saf 2013/2/25 16:44:40
4 巴陵石化公司己内酰胺部全力优化提质增产己内酰胺 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co caprolactam department to optimize the q 2013/2/25 16:43:44
4 巴陵石化八成产品“高新特” Baling Petrochemical 80% products " high " 2013/2/6 15:43:29
4 巴陵石化公司部署春节前安全环保检查 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co deployed before the Spring Festival the environ 2013/2/6 15:42:00
4 巴陵石化公司经理当选第十二届全国人大代表 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co manager was elected to the Twelfth National 2013/2/6 15:41:09
4 巴陵石化公司2013年春节团拜会举行 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co in 2013 Spring Festival gathering will be held 2013/2/6 15:40:05
4 巴陵石化公司召开改制企业迎新座谈会 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co enterprise restructuring orientation seminar he 2013/2/6 15:38:15
4 湖南日报报道:巴陵石化8成产品“高新特” Hunan Daily: Baling Petrochemical 8 products " high "Sinopec baling Petrochemic 2013/1/20 17:50:03
4 巴陵石化环氧树脂技术创新提升优级品率 Baling Petrochemical epoxy resin technology innovation to improve the quality pro 2013/1/20 17:48:38
4 巴陵石化合成橡胶事业部SEBS车间:抓好节前劳动纪律检查 Baling Petrochemical Company synthetic rubber division SEBS workshop: g 2013/1/20 17:46:43
4 巴陵石化合成橡胶事业部SBS车间:三管齐下筑牢安全生产“防火墙” Baling Petrochemical Company synthetic rubber division SBS worksho 2013/1/20 17:45:30
4 巴陵牌合成橡胶系列及聚丙烯产品增产4万多吨 Baling licensing synthetic rubber and polypropylene product yield of more than 2013/1/20 17:44:24
4 巴陵石化公司热塑橡胶产销量及11项指标创新高 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co thermoplastic production and sales of rubb 2013/1/20 17:43:28
4 巴陵石化环氧树脂事业部努力过“严冬” Baling Petrochemical epoxy resin division tried " winter " 2013/1/20 17:39:51
4 中石化报今头条报道巴陵石化公司调结构转型发展 Sinopec reported this headline the baling Petrochemical Industries Co structu 2012/12/27 14:07:12
4 巴陵石化公司重点发展特种树脂 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co focusing on the development of special resin 2012/12/27 14:06:09
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