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4 巴陵石化公司持续改进办召开成立后第一次工作会议 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co continuously improve office held after t 2013/12/13 14:51:27
4 巴陵福建己内酰胺项目进行基础设计审查 Baling Fujian caprolactam project based design review 2013/11/13 14:14:38
4 巴陵石化公司年产2万吨SEPS装置项目进行基础设计审查 Baling Petrochemical Company annual output of 20,000 tons SEPS device b 2013/11/13 14:12:54
4 巴陵石化分公司己内酰胺优级品率产销率均100% Baling Petrochemical Company caprolactam grade product sales rate of 100 pe 2013/11/13 14:11:15
4 黄兰香副省长到巴陵石化调研 Vice governor Huang Lanxiang to Baling Petrochemical Research 2013/10/30 9:47:50
4 中国石化化工销售“牵线”为巴陵石化“搭桥” Sinopec Chemical sales "pull strings" for Baling Petrochemical "bypass" 2013/10/30 9:46:42
4 巴陵石化公司举行第八届羽毛球比赛 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co to hold the eighth session of the badminton com 2013/10/30 9:45:50
4 巴陵分公司己内酰胺部:运用正激励措施开展隐患排查促成效提升 Baling caprolactam: using positive incentive measures to carry out the 2013/9/30 17:14:46
4 巴陵石化橡胶部为职工“充电”质量知识 Baling Petrochemical rubber part for the workers "charging" quality knowledge 2013/9/30 17:13:12
4 巴陵石化公司与云溪区联手整治周边无序用水问题 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co and Yunxi district to the regulation surro 2013/9/30 17:11:09
4 巴陵石化年产6万吨热塑橡胶装置月产创纪录 2013/9/18 15:35:47
4 中石化美术书法摄影展巴陵公司影协喜获佳绩 2013/9/18 15:33:44
4 中石化报头条报道巴陵公司群策群力降本挖潜 2013/9/18 15:32:32
4 岳阳石化树脂联合车间:勤练兵,提高消防应急能力 2013/8/20 17:08:04
4 巴陵石化合成橡胶“安全画廊”引职工“围观” Baling Petrochemical synthetic rubber "safe Gallery" lead worker "crowd" 2013/8/20 17:07:07
4 多家媒体报道巴陵石化支援农民抗旱 Several media reports Baling Petrochemical support farmers and drought 2013/8/20 17:05:46
4 巴陵石化橡胶部热塑橡胶SBS稳产高产 Baling Petrochemical Rubber Department thermoplastic rubber SBS Wenchangaochan 2013/8/20 17:04:42
4 岳阳石化开展八一烈军属、伤残军人慰问 Yueyang Petrochemical carry eighty-one families of martyrs, disabled veterans co 2013/8/2 22:41:42
4 中国石化集团公司总经理王天普到巴陵石化公司调研 China Petrochemical Group Corporation WangTianpu to Baling Petrochemical co 2013/8/2 22:40:49
4 巴陵石化公司两级党委中心组深入学习HSE管理知识 Baling Petrochemical Company two central groups in-depth knowledge of HSE M 2013/8/2 22:38:40
4 洛阳石化考察巴陵石化公司安全社区创建 Luoyang Petrochemical Baling Petrochemical Company visits create safe communities 2013/8/2 22:37:47
4 巴陵石化公司硫酸铵小袋包装换吨袋提高装运效率 Baling Petrochemical Company for tons of ammonium sulfate sachet bags to imp 2013/7/11 16:59:52
4 巴陵恒逸己内酰胺公司硫酸铵出口南美 Baling UCOM caprolactam ammonium sulfate export company in South America 2013/7/11 16:57:55
4 巴陵恒逸己内酰胺优化运行功夫下在现场 Baling UCOM caprolactam under optimal operation effort in the field 2013/7/11 16:56:57
4 巴陵石化巴陵牌热塑橡胶SIS逆势增销 Baling Baling brand thermoplastic rubber SIS contrarian additional sales 2013/7/11 16:55:54
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