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4 巴陵石化环氧树脂事业部软硬兼施抓环保 Epoxy Resin Division of Baling Petrochemical carrot and stick grasping environme 2011/10/25 23:04:34
4 岳阳石化橡胶事业部SBS车间“三基”工作纪实 Yueyang Petrochemical Rubber Division SBS workshop "three bases" documentary 2011/10/18 21:53:06
4 巴陵石化橡胶部夏季安全生产组织有序 Baling Petrochemical safety of rubber Ministry summer organized 2011/10/18 21:52:30
4 岳阳石化化纤公司2#聚合进料改造节支40余万 Yueyang Petrochemical Fiber Company 2# polymerization feed transforming savi 2011/10/18 21:51:56
4 巴陵石化环己酮部职代会打气鼓劲求卓越 Baling cyclohexanone department duty generation can cheer for excellence 2011/10/18 21:51:11
4 岳阳石化橡胶事业部下半年工作目标明晰 Yueyang Petrochemical rubber business men half clear objectives 2011/10/18 21:50:36
4 巴陵石化名列湖南制造业50强排行榜 Baling Petrochemical in Hunan manufacturing industry 50 strong pop chart 2011/10/8 16:24:40
4 巴陵石化橡胶部:SEBS产品应用研究取得重大进展 Baling Petrochemical rubber Department: SEBS products applied research pro 2011/10/8 11:35:35
4 巴陵石化烯烃部:现场随机问流程 Baling Petrochemical Company: the scene asked random process 2011/10/8 11:34:05
4 我国已成为国外胶黏剂公司争相投资建厂的理想基地 China has become the ideal base for foreign the adhesive companies competin 2011/10/8 11:31:11
4 日本胶黏剂行业—呈现疲软下滑之势 Japan adhesive industry - weak drop 2011/10/8 11:30:23
4 部分塑料制品出口退税率提高到9% Partial plastic products export tax rebate rate to 9% 2011/10/8 11:29:31
4 巴陵石化SBS装置扩能工程聚合部分开车成功 Baling Petrochemical Unit expansion project SBS polymerization section to dri 2011/9/23 10:27:43
4 巴陵石化SBS车间严抓一线安全管理 Baling Petrochemical SBS workshop strict line of safety management 2011/9/23 10:26:55
4 巴陵石化环氧树脂事业部老装置生机勃勃 Baling Petrochemical epoxy division old device full of vigour 2011/9/23 10:25:49
4 巴陵石化橡胶部夏季安全生产组织有序,Baling Petrochemical rubber summer safety organization 2011/9/23 10:24:34
4 岳阳石化橡胶事业部下半年工作目标明晰 Yueyang Petrochemical rubber business men half clear objectives 2011/9/23 10:23:48
4 巴陵石化橡胶部:SEBS产品抢占高端吹响“冲锋号”Baling Petrochemical rubber Department: SEBS products occupy the high-end s 2011/9/11 13:28:48
4 巴陵石化公司SBS装置单套产能居全球同类之首 Baling Petrochemical Industries Co SBS device single set of production capaci 2011/9/11 13:17:52
4 巴陵石化橡胶部:SEBS新牌号应用取得阶段性成功 Baling Petrochemical rubber Department: SEBS trademark application obtained 2011/9/11 13:11:42
4 巴陵石化公司橡胶部:加强顺丁橡胶质量管理 Baling Petrochemical Company Rubber Division: Strengthening butadiene rubber q 2011/9/11 13:08:34
4 关于进口丁苯橡胶反倾销措施执行中有关问题 On the import of styrene-butadiene rubber anti-dumping measures relevant proble 2011/9/11 13:00:40
4 巴陵石化公司—新型热塑性弹性体SEBS国内生产厂 Baling Petrochemical Company - new thermoplastic elastomer SEBS domestic pl 2011/9/11 12:59:12
4 热塑性弹性体可作尼龙零部件的滑动支架 Thermoplastic elastomer for nylon parts of the sliding bracket 2011/9/11 12:57:46
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