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岳阳石化橡胶事业部SBS车间“三基”工作纪实 Yueyang Petrochemical Rubber Division SBS workshop "three bases" documentary

Yueyang Petrochemical Rubber Division SBS workshop "three bases" documentary
"Three bases" as the widespread implementation of the petrochemical enterprise-based management approach, strengthen basic management, to better carry out tapping the potential synergies work has played a good role in promoting. After years of technical inputs as the capacity of Asia's largest, most varieties grades lithium polymer production base, Division of Baling Petrochemical synthetic rubber SBS workshop, as the first lithium polymer SBS product development the petrochemical enterprises SBS device and development, from the 1990s-ton device development currently has over 40 grades and an annual capacity of 20 million tons of large-scale installations of these achievements, and the workshop long-term consistent efforts to strengthen the "three bases" are inextricably linked 's. The past two years.

来源:      时间:2011/10/18 21:53:06
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