巴陵石化为湖南推进新型工业化做贡献 Baling Petrochemical Hunan contribute to promoting new industrialization |
| 巴陵石化为湖南推进新型工业化做贡献
2月9日,湖南省经信委发布2013年湖南推进新型工业化千亿元产业名单、千亿元区名单、百亿企业名单以及年度全省各行业企业排名。石化产业名列湖南9大千亿元产业第五。在湖南18家百亿企业名单中,巴陵石化榜上有名。在湖南石化行业企业中,巴陵石化(非上市和上市板块)分别为2013年度主营业务收入规模前五名企业;巴陵石化为2013年度税收贡献前五名企业。 据国家工信部发布信息,湖南省工业运行质量综合评价居全国第九位、中部第一位。 Baling Petrochemical Hunan contribute to promoting new industrialization February 9, the Commission by letter published in 2013 in Hunan Province, Hunan promoting new industrialization billion dollar industry list, a list of hundreds of billions district, province billion annual list of enterprises and enterprises in various industries ranked. Petrochemical industry ranked fifth in Hunan 9 Daqian billion dollar industry. 18 billion enterprise in Hunan list, Baling Petrochemical list. In the petrochemical industry enterprises in Hunan, Baling Petrochemical (listed and non-listed sector) respectively for the year 2013 five main business income scale enterprises; Baling Petrochemical tax contribution for the year 2013 the top five companies. According to information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information, Hunan comprehensive evaluation of the quality of industrial ranks ninth in the middle first. | | 来源: 时间:2014/4/11 17:27:45 |  |