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巴陵石化万吨级SEPS成套技术开发项目列入中石化攻关计划 Baling Petrochemical ton SEPS complete technology development projects

中国石化科技攻关领导小组要求巴陵石化加快SEPS新产品、新牌号开发,加速工业装置建设和工业试验,大力开展SEPS 产品应用及推广,届时,巴陵石化“氢化苯乙烯/异戊二烯共聚物成套技术”产业化将填补国内空白,促进锂系聚合物高端产品开发与应用,实现产品升级换代,争创良好经济和社会效益。
Baling Petrochemical ton SEPS complete technology development projects included in the petrochemical research programs
Hydrogenated styrene / isoprene copolymer (SEPS) based on styrene , isoprene as monomer , an alkyl lithium as a polymerization initiator to obtain a copolymer , then the chain of the copolymer of isoprene double selective catalytic hydrogenation section ( not hydrogenated styrene mer ) obtained products. Although SEPS widely used in high-end, but by its selective hydrogenation technology complex , hydrogenated polymers difficult to remove metal ions such as impact of the current global Kraton only the United States and Japan Kuraray Company achieved industrialization and dominate the global market , its price is higher than the average SEBS products several million.
China Petrochemical scientific and technological requirements of Baling Petrochemical leadership team to accelerate SEPS new products, new brands development, accelerate the construction of industrial plants and industrial testing , product applications and vigorously promote the SEPS , then, Baling Petrochemical "hydrogenated styrene / isoprene copolymer Complete technical matter " industrialization will fill the gaps , and promote the development of lithium polymer high-end products and applications , and product upgrading , striving for good economic and social benefits.
来源:      时间:2014/1/10 9:47:44
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