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巴陵石化公司“五一”小长假生产经营建设安全平稳 Baling Petrochemical Company production of "May Day" holiday safe and stabl

 “5.1”小长假,巴陵石化公司有4000多名劳动者坚守岗位辛勤劳动,巴陵石化公司加强产销衔接、原辅材料供应和值班保运等工作,各级值班领导深入现场检查督导,炼油、环己酮、热塑橡胶、己内酰胺、煤气化等生产装置均实现安全平稳环保运行零火警、零事故,一批在建重点建设项目稳步推进。据统计,3天假期,公司原油加工及合成氨、环己酮、SBS 、己内酰胺、烧碱、氯丙烯、尿素等产品生产总量近3万吨。
Baling Petrochemical Company production of "May Day" holiday safe and stable operation and construction
 "5.1" mini vacation, Baling Petrochemical Company has more than 4,000 workers remained at their posts to hard labor, Baling Petrochemical Company to strengthen the link between production and sales, raw material supply and transportation security on duty, on duty leaders at all levels, in-depth on-site inspection and supervision, oil refining , cyclohexanone, thermoplastic rubber, caprolactam, gas and other production devices are safe and stable environmental running zero fire, zero accidents, number of construction of key construction projects steadily. According to statistics, nearly 3 million tons of the total production of the three-day holiday, crude oil processing and synthetic ammonia, cyclohexanone, SBS, caprolactam, caustic soda, allyl chloride, urea and other products.
来源:      时间:2013/5/4 15:31:08
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